Baby DragonX is a set of contracts on Ethereum as follows:
Fair launch consisting of 14 days during which $TITANX is used to mint $BDX
After the 14 days have completed, the liquidity pair of $DRAGONX/$BDX on Uniswap v3 will be made active and swapping can commence
Launch will occur on Thursday 29 February at midnight UTC and the 2 week mint phase will end on Wednesday 13 March at 1159pm UTC
Contracts to be renounced after launch to ensure safety to participants
The Buy and Burn contract “owns” the LP
The Buy and Burn contract will be publicly callable in the same manner as on the TitanX and DragonX dapps
Fully transparent tokenomics and allocations
Launch duration and ratios week 1 and 2:
Week #
Token Names
1 : 1
1 : 0.95
Last updated