Allocations From The Mint
Baby DragonX Genesis
Baby DragonX Buy and Burn ($BDX)
Baby DragonX Team
Baby DragonX Expenses & Marketing
Allocations Created After The Mint
Grant Program
Investment Pool & Future Rewards
Allocation descriptions (from the mint)
50% for $DRAGONX/$BDX LP creation will be made active for trading immediately after the 14th day mint phase has completed
3% Genesis, similar to what the TITAN X whitepaper states, there should be no expectations of the Genesis wallet and one example of what it may be used for is to provide “deep liquidity crucial pairs in the TITAN X ecosystem.” Given that an NFT collection with gamification and staking elements is on the roadmap, the Genesis funds could be utilized to fund aspects of it or other impactful partnerships.
34% Buy & Burn of $BDX will be implemented in a similar manner to the TITAN X v2 and DragonX community activated function, where the frequency and amount of Buy & Burn can be adjusted by the team to provide the most value to $BDX holders.
8% Baby DragonX team is used to compensate the core team, developers, and our moderators.
5% Expenses & Marketing is used to pay for the two audits from firms used by TITAN X and DRAGONX, marketing costs, governance proposals including a process where participants can send their $TITANX to a team wallet and we will batch mint $BDX. Other uses could includ community giveaways which were pre-launch and depending on the amount of participation the excess, if any, could be moved to either Buy & Burn additional $BDX or into the investment pool and future rewards wallet all decided by governance proposals and voting.
Allocation descriptions (additional $BDX minted after the 14 day launch phase)
4% Grant program will be used to help new protocols in the TITANX ecosystem which have potential to benefit the Baby DragonX $BDX holders.
14% Investment Pool & Future Rewards was inspired by the Helios protocol whitepaper and their investment pool. We will learn from how they create their governance structure and mold it into what will best serve the Baby DragonX community. The broad strokes of the pool will be to utilize funds for investment inside and outside the TITANX ecosystem, and share those rewards with $BDX holders. Initially this wallet will be controlled by the founder, James Croyle, until governance votes on committee members for key distribution. Similar to what has been laid out in the Helios whitepaper after the committee is formed, investment strategies will be voted on by $BDX holders. Then a new custom treasury smart contract will be created and audited (paid for either from Genesis wallet or Investment Pool wallet funds) to interact with whichever type(s) of yield bearing has been selected.
The new governance structure will also decide how to allocate the rewards gained from the Investment pool, options could include staking rewards, reflection tokens, or other such distribution methods.
Last updated